
My Latest Posts

  • “A Dead Perspective”
    “Thy kingdom come, th- thy will be done, in earth…” It won’t do you any good boy, I’ve been praying for months now and look where that got me. He looked young and scrawny; god knows how long he’d been surviving out here. It must have been with some lucky shots. No cuts or bruisesContinue reading ““A Dead Perspective””
  • “It helps to write about it”
    My husband Andy is a good man. Despite what my mother says. She was opposed to us getting married ‘young’, sure we were both 19, but we had been together for years and our sixth anniversary was fast approaching. We were happy. At least I thought so. Andy has always wanted a family- I wasContinue reading ““It helps to write about it””
  • “Overdose”
    She is cinnamon. Sweet, Natural… Suitable, in the smallest of doses, An addiction of the sugared variety, Not the healthiest of habits, is she; Mi Amor – My Amelia. – Ripe peaches. Bursting with juices that linger, for a second not long enough, on the tip of the tongue- tempting, teasing, trying for another taste.Continue reading ““Overdose””
  • “Tag, I’m It”
    Think of it as a game of reversal tag, and for the last forty-two years, I’ve been ‘it’. Since that cold, dark winters night, in December 1974 I have remained in my youthful prime, aging only 52 days in a year, I was 18 years old when I tagged the last one, technically I’m onlyContinue reading ““Tag, I’m It””
  • WP: The Letter
    WP: You wake up one morning to find a letter addressed to “No One”. It contains a letter that states: “Please find enclosed details of the targets common daily activities, a work routine and a photograph of the target to be exterminated. You all have 24hours to complete the mission. The successor will be greatlyContinue reading “WP: The Letter”

Banshee is a freelance writer and creator. Here you will find a plethora of work created by Banshee for your viewing.