WP: The Letter

WP: You wake up one morning to find a letter addressed to “No One”. It contains a letter that states:

“Please find enclosed details of the targets common daily activities, a work routine and a photograph of the target to be exterminated. You all have 24hours to complete the mission. The successor will be greatly rewarded. Evidence is required. We will contact you.”

You unfold the photograph to see yourself staring back at you…

“I settled my coffee cup on the counter and leaned back against it, feeling my head go fuzzy for just as moment as a dull ring drummed from lobe to brow. I think I blacked out for a minute. I’m positive I wasn’t sitting on the floor.

‘Okay.’ I said aloud to myself pulling my phone out of my robe pocket. I started to force a cough, making my voice appear hoarse. Itching and rubbing my neck with one hand, the other thumb resting above the dial as I contemplated calling in sick.

No. Bad idea. Don’t want to leave a trail.

‘Okay.’ Just don’t turn up. Leave it at that. How about a walk? Yeah, let’s go for a walk. I do my best thinking out in the fresh air.

I quickly pulled on my joggers, grabbed the keys, headphones and left the house in a hurry.

One hour later I returned home with a plan.

I started a group text with the family:

“Hey guys. Sorry it’s been a while since we last spoke, I’ve been busy with work stuff. I’m in a good place now and would love to see you all tonight. I’m ordering the best steak, the best booze and wine. All you have to bring is yourself.”

I received the following messages:

Mum: “Of course luv. I’ll be there. It’s lovely to hear from you, are you keeping yourself well? Are you healthy? Xxx’

Dad: “See you tonight.”

Cici: “Hiya Hun! Oh my god yes, I can not wait! X”

Brett: “Obviously I’m busy. But I’m sure I can make time. I’ll bring a bottle from the collection.”

Fantastic. Now to go to the local butchers for the finest cuts. Money was tight, but today it no longer mattered. I went all out. Buying the most grandest and expensive steak, booze, dessert and whatever else took my fancy. Tonight was going to be an evening of sumptuous delights. With the most divine dining experience my family would ever experience.

It had been a long while since I last saw my family. I was not in a good place, or ready to face them just yet after what occurred. But circumstance had a funny way of pushing a man into action. And checking the timer I’d set, I was quickly running out of hours.

“I must say, that was absolutely delightful.” My mum patted her lips lightly with the napkin, so as not to smudge her lipstick.

“Right, I actually can’t eat anymore. I will literally pop.” Cici let out a little burp leaning back in her seat.

“Pour us another will you.” My dad leaned across the table with his glass for me to top up. “Strong shit this, ain’t it.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to try any yourself? You must have spent a fortune!” My mum exclaimed.

Brett, my brother, snorted at her comment but said nothing.

“No, it’s fine mum. I’ve been sober for a few months now. I’m feeling much better these days so I’d rather not.” I answered her.

“Oh but you’ve worked so hard already, just a little can’t hurt.” She pushed her glass towards me.

“I’d rather not.” I pushed it away from me.

“Just a little sip.” She pushed it back.

“Give it a rest.” My dad piped up, picking the glass up and downing it himself.

“Sorry mum.” I apologised. “It was hard enough getting back up on my feet. I can’t be fighting that battle again.” It pained me that I felt genuinely guilty about turning her down, despite everything.

“Count yourself lucky little brother. Some of us are literally fighting off adversaries in the boardroom.” He took a deep swig of wine before continuing. “I had to fire the head of security today. They let someone slip through with a gun! Honestly, a man has no limits when it comes to climbing the ladder.” He glanced over at me and smirked. “Well, some men.”

“Hard to climb when someone knocks the ladder out from under you.” I bit back at him.

“Maybe if you’d gone sober then, you’d still be climbing.” He retorted. “But it’s okay little brother.” His tone softened catching our mum’s drunken scowl from across the table. “Some men just don’t have the stomach for it. You appear to be doing okay now.”

“Ten minutes.” I said, with barely a whisper.

“Right, whatever.” He chuckled, downing the drink.

“Ten minutes Brett, you’re older by ten fucking minutes.”

“Alright, alright, whatever.” He snorted. “Calm down mate.”

“Can we just get through one dinner without any arguing?!” My mum threw down her napkin and gripped her head. “Giving me a bloody migraine, the pair of you.”

“Okay.” My dad stood up. “I think it’s best we leave it for tonight yeah. Leave on a good note.” He rubbed his stomach and let out a low burp. “Oh woah”. He stumbled a second before catching himself on the table. “That wine has gone straight to my head. Cici, come on wake up, we’ve gotta go now it’s getting late.”

He shook my sister’s shoulder. Cici went limp, head smacking hard against the table as my dad shook her just a little too hard.

“Jesus.. Brett, give us a hand will you.” My dad started to pull Cici up from one side, but failed to hold her before collapsing onto his knees.

Brett just pulled his nose up in disgust and poured another glass.

“Do you remember the last time we spoke?” I asked him.

“Your tantrum?” He sneered. “Yes, I recall. Are you ready to apologise now?”

“Do you remember what you called me?” I asked him.

“Oh.. oh no, luv I don’t..” my mum leant over her empty plate and started to dry heave. Loud, obnoxious gags as she choked on whatever was stuck in her throat.

“Ah shit.” My dad went to go towards her, but his feet moved a little too slow, legs tangled in an unfortunate dance that pulled him in a stumble down to the floor.

“Pathetic.” Brett scoffed before turning back to me. “What was that? Certainly not an apology. Might I add, you owe me for the cashmere jumper you destroyed with your childish hysterics.”

“What did you call me that night?” I persisted with my question. “What did you say I was?”

Brett paused, brow furrowed as he recalled the last evening we parted ways.

“Nobody.” He answered.

“Nope.” I carefully picked up a bottle and poured a glass. Pushing my mum’s limp hand aside as she tried to clutch my sleeve, gasping in quick little draws of breath she could barely manage, suffocating on the vomit. Her bodies attempt to purge the unknown entity burning away her innards.

“What’s wrong with them?” My brother finally started to pick up on the unusual behaviour. Though to be fair, it wasn’t uncommon to see my family in such a state. Brett may act all high and mighty now, but the truth of our addictive birthright was laid plainly in sight.

“No One.” I ignored his concerns. “You said I was No One “

I pulled the photograph out of my pocket and laid it on the table in front of him.

“It’s not exactly a stretch to consider why exactly someone would want you dead brother.” I pushed the filled glass towards him. “I lowered your dose so that we would be able to have this nice little catch up before you die.”

Brett stood fast, pushing his chair back, violently lunging towards me in fury. The poison kicked in at the right moment, warping his perception, tripping him aimlessly out of reach. He hit the ground at an awkward angle, catching his wrist between the chair and table legs.

I kneeled down over him. Catching his limo wrist and crushing it under my shoe as he tried to attack me again, mouth frothing like a mad dog, I could smell his insides curdling as he screamed obscenities at me.

I took out my phone, opened up the camera and took a couple shots of his scowling face. I made sure to get a couple with my shoe pressed against his cheek, grinding his face into the carpet just moments before he passed away.

A couple minutes later my phone rang. Number unknown. I clicked accept.

“Code name No One. You have completed the mission. Please exit the building by the rear entrance so that you may receive your reward. We have a driver waiting for you.”

Call ended.

I took a couple more photos. Picked up an unopened bottle of Chardonnay, delivered a couple kicks to both my brother and dad, then made my way to the back door.

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